today’s running

today the BF alex and I did 4.1 miles together and I added .9 on the indoor track while he did some strides after our run outside.

mile 1:     8:11

mile 2:     8:52

mile 3:     8:32

mile 4:    8:41

.1:                :43

.9:             7:53

then I found some pictures taken of me from the frostbite series.

alex and I

the 5k in the snow, but I got a new PR! It was single digit temperatures that day.

end of the 4mile race, new PR’s in bot the 5k mark in this race and the 4 mile. my legs look really good here hahaha.

excuse the grossness in the last few pictures…they were taken at the very end of the race.


I have random eats from a few days ago, but it’s my usual lunch/dinner hah. Excuse the poor quality pictures. I can’t seem to find my camera.

cheesy tater tots and a hot dog 🙂

strawberry yogurt with granola.

Then here are yesterday’s pictures from our rearrangement of our room!!

Now yesterday’s snack was:

Yes I am too lazy to rotate the picture 🙂

And this:

And we got buffalo wild wings last night and I ordered the Chicken Finger Wrap with ranch. Here is my leftovers that will be my lunch for today!

yumm!! And today’s snack before my run with the BF

Yesterday I ran 6 miles. I started out on the dreadmill but after 2 miles @ 8:20 pace I just realized I really wanted to run outside even if it was cold and sleeting.

Mile 1: 8:01
Mile 2: 8:21(up the big hill on sprigg right before lexington)
Mile 3: 7:50
Mile 4: 7:52

Yes, that was a fast workout and my legs hurt incredibly bad after especially because it was my 2nd day in new shoes.

I have to go now because I have a 5 miler with the BF Alex before he heads to an indoor track meet for the weekend.

More later!!