May Breakdown

Here’s a break down of May’s Running




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As you can see starting with may 24th was my first week of training again. I am now on my way to building for cross country season. The other weeks before were just recovery from the half marathon and maintaining my fitness.

Miles in May   49.28 (how pitiful hahahaah)

Longest Run   4 miles


Today’s run!

Running outfit


Target Champion Sports Bra


With underarmour shorts.




CSN $80 Giftcard here
Justin’s Nut Butter and Trek Mix here

Stay Tuned for

Alex and I’s dinner date recap!


March Running Recap!


[click to enlarge]

125.25 miles, 16:47:05 total time recorded.


Weekly Recap



Monday: 8.5 mile long run, first 5 with Alex, second 3.5 with megan
5 miles in 41:06 @ 8:13 pace
mile 1: 8:23
mile 2: 8:31
mile 3: 8:26
mile 4: 7:58
mile 5: 7:46

3.5 miles in 31:43 @ 9:03 pace
mile 1: 9:12
mile 2: 9:09
mile 3: 9:02
mile 3.5: 4:20

Tuesday: 3 x 1 mile repeats (actually 3 x 1.05 mile)
3.16 miles, 1.33 mile wu/cd
1.06 in 6:35          mile in 6:12(new pr)
1.05 in 6:59          mile in 6:41
1.05 in 6:59          mile in 6:41

Wednesday: off

Thursday: 4.5 mile run
4.5 miles in 35:59 @ 7:59 pace
mile 1: 7:30
mile 2: 8:00
mile 3: 8:22
mile 4: 8:19
mile 4.5: 3:45

Friday: 3 mile progressive run, .5 cooldown
3.5 miles in 26:22 @ 7:32 pace
mile 1: 7:34
mile 2: 7:32
mile 3: 7:36
mile 3.5: 3:38

Saturday: 2 mile cool down with Alex
2 miles in 17:02 @ 8:31 pace
mile 1: 9:02
mile 2: 8:00

Sunday: off


Fastest mile: 6:12

Longest run: 8.5

Last week until the Half Marathon!!!!! 6 days left!

Week looks like this:

monday: 3 miles
tuesday: 4 miles
wednesday: 4 miles
thursday: 4 miles
friday: off
saturday: 3 miles
sunday: HALF MARATHON!!!!!
