Howdy Partner!

“There’s a snake in my boot!” hah, who said it? GO!

running copy

Long run Wednesday!!!


Today’s weather was absolutely beautiful and I had a fabulous 5 mile run!!





Another Red Green Monster. (the only reason I call it red, is because the berries make the color so bright and red no matter how much spinach is in there)


White Castle Cheeseburgers for lunch (don’t hate) haha


I packed 4 of those in.

Then Toasted Ravioli for dinner




Yesterday I finished The Happiness Project. Honestly, I’m not sure why I read the whole thing. Gretchen just seemed like a person I would not get along with and I spent most of the book just laughing at her. I loved the whole concept of the book, but her personality just didn’t agree with me. So really I spent 3 days reading a person I didn’t like and her life. I don’t want to smash on her but the few things of her personality that didn’t agree with me were: she believes she is better than others and has to one up everyone, likes to disagree with others just to argue, whether she knows the answer or not, and overall she seems really demanding and in control of everything. The little things like getting mad at her husband for going to the gym in the morning because he wasn’t there to help with the kids.

I just really had to get that off my chest because I know so many people loved the book and I wish I could’ve but I honestly couldn’t enjoy it. Sorry 😦

Now I’m finishing reading Eclipse because the boyfriend really wants to see the movie. Then next will be Wicked!!!

By the way, I’m seeing Wicked again on Wednesday! So excited!!!

Hope everyone’s having a great day!!


Reading will hit hard

On the car ride home from Florida I managed to read all but 90 pages of this baby:


Before I went to Florida I put a reserve on a few other books. Coincidently enough all 3 are in at the same time which means I have a lot of reading to do!

So I have to read the rest of 90 pages of the Happiness Project and then these beauties:


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So now I am on my way to the library to pick up my books!

Hope you all are having a wonderful day.

Q: Have you read any of these? What’d you think?
