Alright, let’s catch up

Wednesday: woke up at 3:30am to get ready for the 4th annual 420 run!

We went back to Delgados house and ate a yummy breakfast. I just had bacon and fruit salad 🙂

I went home and hung out with my dog Graham and played with him all day long. Alex picked me up around 6 and we went to his house where I watched Biggest Loser: Where are they now? And Alex’s mom made me grapes, kiwi and pretzel crackers. NOM NOM NOM

Thursday: Woke up at 6:30am for the Kirkwood/Webster Turkey Day Run. It was a 3 miler. I ran 23:10, not very good, but I wasn’t having a very good day. My legs started hurting and my heel.

Went to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving, that was a treat.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday: alex picked me up around 12:30 I believe and we went to the farm!! I shot a gun 🙂

We baked cookies and worked on a 500 piece cookie puzzle, which one piece was missing!! UGH

Now I’m back at school and have a busy week ahead.

Turkey Day Tomorrow

I am at Alex’s house right now, on his MAC. Tomorrow morning at 7:30 am we are running the Kirkwood/Webster 3 mile Turkey Trot then heading to my grandparents. I’m super excited 🙂

This morning’s 4.2 run went great! A little bit windy but exciting to run in the pitch black.

Well I’m getting ready for bed now. Bye!


Felt pretty confident yesterday on my nutrition test and on today’s psychology class. Hopefully I got at least a B on each. I have one more class to go to from 1-2:15 then I get to go home!!! I’m cooking dinner tonight. We are making chicken and then bowties with pesto. Yumm!


Since I’m home, I’m going to try out the granola balls as well as these apple sandwiches that look just tasty. I will save some for myself and then take them over for the 420 run.


Hopefully I’ll have tons of pictures when I get back from break! Not sure how often I’ll be able to post, at least after friday.

Goals for Christmas Break

I get a whole month off school to be at home with my wonderful family. I decided that instead of relaxing the whole break, that there are some things that should be done before the new year approaches.

  • Clean bedroom and get rid of all stuff I do not need/want and donate it. (Perfect for the christmas spirit!)
  • Finish New Moon. (For some reason I can not get into the books, but maybe it’ll get better. I like reading the books before watching the movies)
  • lots and lots of baking!! Try new recipes. (I used to bake a lot, in fact I wanted my own bakery, but knew that’d be costly. So I decided to be a Family Consumer Science Education major so I can not only coach cross country and track, but bake and cook as well as have time for my own running and summers off! Perfect!!!)
  • Decorate the house in it’s Christmas Attire and possibly host a Christmas Party or plan one.
  • Don’t wait til the last minute for gifts and try to save money by making gifts.
  • Christmas Cards!! Now’s the time for letting others know how much they are appreciated. It’s hard maintaining relationships and friendships within the family and with friends when at college.


I’m also going to start making my goals for the New Year which will also include second semester of school

  • Study harder and not last minute
  • Apply for RA position
  • Find a job (on campus preferably)
  • Run half marathon (Thinking about the Lewis and Clark half in April and also the Rock n Roll half in Chicago in August)
  • Train hard and train smart
  • new PR’s. would like to get to the 22’s for a 5k and in 21’s by the end of the year.
  • Read more (I love reading but always feel like I’m doing wrong when I’m reading for fun when I should be reading a textbook)

I’ll add more as they come to mind. In fact I will make a  new tab to keep track of my goals.


It’s almost Thanksgiving Break! I could not be more relieved! Studied all weekend for my nutrition test that I just took. So glad I studied because otherwise I know I would have bombed it so horribly. I don’t think I got an A because she makes her multiple choice worth 2 points each, but I think I got at least a B. That’s all I wanted. The last test I didn’t study for and I got a 64! So I just need a high test grade to bring my grade back up.

Tomorrow I have a psychology test, so of course I will be spending part of today devoted to reading and studying the development of adolescence.

Here is my weekly agenda!

Monday: Nutrition test, study for psychology, run 4 miles.

Tuesday: Psychology test, no running, leave to go home!!!! Spend the night at Haley’s.

Wednesday: Wake up at 3:45-3:50 AM for the annual 4:20 run, where we run 4.2 miles then go to Coach Delgado’s for breakfast! Then I have to interview Haley for psychology and go home and pick out fruit for the fruit salad for thanksgiving/spend time with the family. Alex will then pick me up that night to stay at his house.

Thursday: Kirkwood/Webster Turkey Trot 5k. Have to run 4 miles total for the day. Then Alex gets to come to my grandparent’s house in St. Louis for Thanksgiving 🙂 I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures. Then I get to go back home and spend more time with my family. Also have to interview my grandmother for psychology.

Friday: Alex will pick me up in the afternoon and we’ll drive down to his family’s farm. Run 5 miles.

Saturday: Farm still and 2.8 miles.

Sunday: Leave farm around the afternoon and come back to cape. Run 4 or 5 miles.

WHOO! What a long and busy week!

All I can say, is that I am super excited to go home and spend time with all my friends and loved ones!

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