Blog Change?

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Wasn’t feeling very good yesterday, so I took my day off running for the week.





I actually did not have eggs and bacon haha, I had some doughnuts!




Red Baron Supreme Pizza




Steak N Shake was for dinner


Chili 5 Way

and a Very Berry Strawberry shake


Contemplating Blog Change


I don’t really have enough money to self host and really doesn’t offer a lot you can do with your blog.

So I’ve been really thinking about moving over to Blogger and as my url. All the blogs I read that are Blogger have such cool layouts and side widgets.

Q: What are your thoughts?


Reading will hit hard

On the car ride home from Florida I managed to read all but 90 pages of this baby:


Before I went to Florida I put a reserve on a few other books. Coincidently enough all 3 are in at the same time which means I have a lot of reading to do!

So I have to read the rest of 90 pages of the Happiness Project and then these beauties:


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So now I am on my way to the library to pick up my books!

Hope you all are having a wonderful day.

Q: Have you read any of these? What’d you think?


A bunch of questions for you!

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Had a nice run yesterday. It was pretty cool out but I was still sweating buckets.


After my run:


Peanut Butter Bagel Thin


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sandwich + Red monster!

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Wendy’s chicken nuggets



Chocolate Almond ice cream 🙂




I don’t think I’ve talked about my summer races.

July 4th: Macklind Mile – Downhill mile race
July 31st: XC kickoff – 5k cross country race

So as you can see I have a race coming up this sunday. Exciting? Obviously. I absolutely LOVE racing! It’s what all the training is for, to be a better racer. I really have no idea what time I’ll get for my mile but I hope it’s better than 6:12 which is my PR as of now.

Guest Post


So I’ve been asked to write a guest post and I really have no idea what to write about.

Q: What would you like to see me write about in a guest post?


I really want to get a new camera that produces amazing photos for the blog. However I have no idea what kind of camera to get. So I’m going to ask you all for advice!

Q: What’s a good camera to have for blogging purposes and getting a nice clear and crisp, very detailed photo?

Q: What kind of camera do you have/use?


Rockin’ Refuel Review

Shamrock Farms has made an incredible product that is great for recovery. Rockin’ Refuel milk. Here are some of the details.



I tried each flavor, one a day after my run. Now I’ll break down my opinion of the products, each individually.


The first day I chose the chocolate milk of course, since Chocolate is my favorite. I was scared of the massive amount of protein and what consistency it would be. I know some protein is powder form and tastes chalky.

This product was not chalky at all. In fact it tasted like your regular chocolate milk. It was a thicker consistency and did leave a kind of “film” in your mouth afterward because of the thickness. Some drinks are more like a chocolate milkshake because they are thicker and that’s what I would compare this too. I loved it and it was gone in under 2 minutes!


The strawberry milk was even BETTER! Absolutely delicious. It also was not as thick as the chocolate and didn’t leave a film in your mouth afterwards. I absolutely loved this flavor and would definitely buy it in the future.


The Vanilla on the other hand, I did not like so much. If you like vanilla milk to begin with then you’ll like this. I saved this one for last because I am not a fan of vanilla milk really. I’ve tried flavored milks like soy milk that was vanilla and it along with this is really rich and too sweet for me. Consistency was good and I drank half the bottle but at that point it was too rich and I couldn’t finish any more. I wouldn’t buy this one if I had a choice of the other flavors.


#1 Strawberry
#2 Chocolate
#3 Vanilla

Check out the product website here and at the top of the page is also a product locator.

Unfortunately the only place where I live that sells this product is Huck’s Gas Station and I really don’t go to gas stations for groceries. But if I happen to be in one and I see the milk then I would definitely purchase some because it really was good!

Product was given to me for free to review but my review was my honest opinion


Onto some more news

A few days ago Graham got to hang out in the front yard.


Isn’t he so precious? hah

Today’s agenda is as follows:

– Start cleaning room
– Get Organized


Girls sweat…and that’s sweet book here


Catch Up

I forgot to post my lunch Thursday. I had some red baron pizza.


Then on Friday I tried the new Pretzel M&M’s. Let’s just say….I wasn’t a fan.

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Onto Saturday

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Had my off day for the week so I did not run.


Went to the mall and visited the nike outlet where I got a new tank top. I really want more nike sports bras but they were still pricey.

Then went to Burlington Coat Factory where I found a nike sports bra for 12.99!! I wish they would’ve had more than just one color so I could’ve bought a bunch.

Marshalls was next and I found a really cute purse for $10!



Had myself a beef burrito with rice and beans for lunch.

Then I had to babysit so I had a hot pocket and an ice cream cone at Alex’s and he dropped me off at the house I was babysitting. The girls were adorable and I definitely would babysit for them again!


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Woke up and went to Queeny Park with Alex to run.


running outfit

My new nike sports bra!! Isn’t it cool?




We went back to my house afterward and had lunch.

hot dog dinner

I had a hot dog, cole slaw, macaroni salad and some fries. Alex had a hotdog and a cheeseburger lol.

italian meatloaf

Italian meatloaf and potato salad for dinner!


Alex and I played Mario Kart and Crazy Golf with my parents, it was a good time.

Coming up….A Review of “Rockin’ Refuel” milk by Shamrock Farms.


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