Catch up!!

Alright, so let’s start out with good news!!! Alex (my other half) finally comes home from his cruise tomorrow night! Monday we are hanging out all day!

Some things I think we might be doing this week are:

eating at the old spaghetti factory. I already looked at the menu and picked out the spinach tortellini in alfredo sauce 😀

seeing new moon because I finally finished the book! The beginning was a bit too slow for me and it took me forever to read, but then I came home for winter break and had a lot of down time. I couldn’t put it down! I am an Edward fan by the way if you were wondering what “team” I swung. lol

Alex has not seen glee and knows how obsessed I am and we listen to the soundtracks on our drive to and from school and he now wants to watch the show. So we will watch the whole first season.

Bowling. Surprisingly we have not gone bowling together. What a shame!!

And last but not least!!

The magic house! It’s right by alex’s and we’ve been wanting to go together since summer!! It’s probably the coolest place for kids and it’s been forever since I’ve gone. We thought now would be perfect because the kids are in school and it won’t be so crowded.

We also have to go get our rings checked up on so we can keep the warranty active. Alex will also have to get his resized 😦 because it is too big for his finger now.

Lately I’ve been eating a lot of cheese and crackers and drinking lots of smoothies!! I’ve been attempting my smoothies I love from Smoothie king. They aren’t exact but are good enough to save me money that’s for sure!

This one was mango fest and I enjoyed some port salut cheese 😀 my favorite

Today was more cheese and crackers but a Raspberry Colider mimic. With raspberries, raspberry sherbet, bananas and orange juice(except I used sunny d instead)

We got some puzzles and I’ve been working on it throughout the day. I love puzzles and will probably order some sweet ones online when I finish the one’s we bought.

I have to go now and do some stretching exercises because I have a 5 mile race for the snowball series I’m in. It’s at 7:15am so I have to wake up around 5 😦 booo

I set out all of my clothes so I’m ready!

Have a great night!!